Welcome to our newly created website. We aim to keep you informed of our latest escapades plus create a history file for you to browse and, maybe, get enthused to take part in your own Arts and/or History team in your area.
Our latest news involves the permanent ceramic analemmetic sundial installation at the Common. The project is proceeding due to a grant from Regional Arts Victoria (RAV). MAHG will be busy with workshops, creative sessions, the installation and then the celebration. This is a big project for our small town and will be one of our major events for 2013.
Our latest news involves the permanent ceramic analemmetic sundial installation at the Common. The project is proceeding due to a grant from Regional Arts Victoria (RAV). MAHG will be busy with workshops, creative sessions, the installation and then the celebration. This is a big project for our small town and will be one of our major events for 2013.