While the newly constructed kiln
needed a few adjustments to fie correctly,
everyone appreciated the experience
and the skills learnt.
A donated large gas fired kiln
has now been placed on site
and the structure is nearing completion.
We await Council approval and plumbing of the new kiln
to complete the centre.

In future, it is planned to have
two Raku firings in the winter of each year,
one for the school
and one for the general community.
The Moonambel Community Ceramic Centre
was made possible by funding from
FRRR and Pyrenees Shire,
the inspiration and skills of
Adrian van den Bergen
and the support of the
Moonambel Primary School Council
in conjunction with MAHG.
two Raku firings in the winter of each year,
one for the school
and one for the general community.
The Moonambel Community Ceramic Centre
was made possible by funding from
FRRR and Pyrenees Shire,
the inspiration and skills of
Adrian van den Bergen
and the support of the
Moonambel Primary School Council
in conjunction with MAHG.