The local newspapers gave rave reviews
for the MCTC pantomime 'Little Red Riding Hood'.
The players once again showed their
acting ability and had the audience wondering
what was going to happen next.
for the MCTC pantomime 'Little Red Riding Hood'.
The players once again showed their
acting ability and had the audience wondering
what was going to happen next.
The main Characters...
In a nutshell, the wolf became a Prince after 3 fairies changed him back from a previous curse so Red Riding Hood's mother, Violet, got her man!. Meanwhile, the Woodsman also won over Grandma, a refugee Russian Countess, and the butcher and Sophie, townspeople, paired up as well. Not quite the way we remembered the tale but quite amusing in its interpretation. |
Then there were these exta characters...
All above photos by Ray Curtis
Farewell to Steve Lane & Gwynn van den Bergen's
hard working team of performers until the next production.
Congratulations Moonambel Community Theatre Company!
hard working team of performers until the next production.
Congratulations Moonambel Community Theatre Company!