What a torrid time we have had over the last 16 months.
All thoughts of an exhibition were put on hold and are
still awaiting a safe time to put things into action.
So apologies for the length of time between blogs.
Although we are in strange times, we have continued
with the history aspect of our group by concentrating on
the installation of 'The Children in the Lock-Up'.
With the help of finance from the Pyrenees Shire,
we commissioned international sculptor Tom Ripon
to create images of the three children who were
detained in the police Lock-Up for their own safety.
Hard to believe you would be safer in a dark room
with no window and a solid door.
But times were harsh in Moonambel in 1896.
The lockup has been painted in preparation for the installation. More history on the incident has been discovered and we are hoping to have the formal opening in May.
We thank Merri Hogan and Barry Fox for the mannequins which have been in the Lock-Up for some time now. Unfortunately, time has been unkind to the figures and they became quite dilapidated. Hopefully the new figures will stand up to the elements.
All thoughts of an exhibition were put on hold and are
still awaiting a safe time to put things into action.
So apologies for the length of time between blogs.
Although we are in strange times, we have continued
with the history aspect of our group by concentrating on
the installation of 'The Children in the Lock-Up'.
With the help of finance from the Pyrenees Shire,
we commissioned international sculptor Tom Ripon
to create images of the three children who were
detained in the police Lock-Up for their own safety.
Hard to believe you would be safer in a dark room
with no window and a solid door.
But times were harsh in Moonambel in 1896.
The lockup has been painted in preparation for the installation. More history on the incident has been discovered and we are hoping to have the formal opening in May.
We thank Merri Hogan and Barry Fox for the mannequins which have been in the Lock-Up for some time now. Unfortunately, time has been unkind to the figures and they became quite dilapidated. Hopefully the new figures will stand up to the elements.