President's Report.
This is our fifth Annual General Meeting but also the thirteenth year since the first Arts Event with the inaugural Easter exhibition. We have won a National Volunteering Award in the past and prove to still be a strong volunteer group committed to bringing art to the area for the community to enjoy. The history component of our agenda is also being addressed.
Since our last Annual Meeting we have been involved in the following activities:
The websites mahg.org.au, unravelling.net.au and a page on the Ballarat ArtsAtlas website continued to keep our activities documented.
Market stalls, barbecue and devonshire teas continue to be a drawcard when we have events staged at the Moonambel Recreation Reserve.
Projects on the go...
Once again our small team of dedicated workers make our projects work. The creative members need the level headed art & history lovers to make these things happen and vice versa. We have built up a wonderful reputation in the Pyrenees district basically due to our respect of our team and supporters. Well done all.
Our future projects, whatever they may be, are almost guaranteed success due to this dedication and wonderful harmonious community team spirit. I thank you all.
Garry Hutton.
This is our fifth Annual General Meeting but also the thirteenth year since the first Arts Event with the inaugural Easter exhibition. We have won a National Volunteering Award in the past and prove to still be a strong volunteer group committed to bringing art to the area for the community to enjoy. The history component of our agenda is also being addressed.
Since our last Annual Meeting we have been involved in the following activities:
- Restoration of Moonambel's Anzac Avenue to its former glory. It took 17 months from initiation to the opening on Remembrance day 2015. This included the planting of replacement trees and the installation of the plaques dedicated to local soldiers.
- MCTC play 'The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society's Production of 'Macbeth'. The cast once again delighted the audience with their antics.
- Maggie Barnes-Oake presented her exhibition 'Moonambel Through My Eyes' This was shown at the local shop during December and January. Maggie's exhibition depicted local characters, events, landmarks and humour in and around our district.
- 'Images That Stay With Us' photo exhibition was staged at the Moonambel Recreation Reserve. Once again we had a magnificent array of entries.
- Our second workshop, 'Drawing with Light and Shade', was held. Local artist Deborah Wood was invited to present a charcoal drawing workshop at the Moonambel Hall. Those who attended had a wonderful time learning a new skill. This workshop was financed by the Pyrenees Presents Inc. donation.
The websites mahg.org.au, unravelling.net.au and a page on the Ballarat ArtsAtlas website continued to keep our activities documented.
Market stalls, barbecue and devonshire teas continue to be a drawcard when we have events staged at the Moonambel Recreation Reserve.
Projects on the go...
- 'Celebration of Colour' mixed media exhibition to be held in September.
- The Moonambel Lockup Walk at the Common. We are determined to see this happen! Once again we have been unsuccessful in attracting financial support through grants, in its current form.
- Moonambel Ceramic Centre is about to be installed at the Primary School. It has been a long haul of the usual red tape to negotiate.
- Art workshops in varied media.
- Installing historic plaques around the township.
Once again our small team of dedicated workers make our projects work. The creative members need the level headed art & history lovers to make these things happen and vice versa. We have built up a wonderful reputation in the Pyrenees district basically due to our respect of our team and supporters. Well done all.
Our future projects, whatever they may be, are almost guaranteed success due to this dedication and wonderful harmonious community team spirit. I thank you all.
Garry Hutton.